Category Archives: Gifts

Doughnut Wireless Charger

Doughnut Wireless Charger – This donut is the solution to every one of your future low battery crises. Effortlessly charge up your phone in a pinch by simply popping your QI-standard smartphone on top of it.

Harry Potter Egg Cup & Toast Cutter

Harry Potter Egg Cup & Toast Cutter – Turn your breakfast into the boy who lived, Harry Potter! Complete with glasses, trademark scar, hair, and Hogwarts uniform, this mystical kit contains everything you need to take that egg from muggle to 1 million points to Gryffindor.

Buzz Lightyear Egg Cup & Toast Cutter

Buzz Lightyear Egg Cup & Toast Cutter – When there seems to be no sign of intelligent life a fun breakfast anywhere, turn your boring egg into the leader of Star Command and finally defeat Emperor Zurg (Zur-egg?) once and for all.

Water Bear Slippers

Water Bear Slippers – What could be more comforting than tucking your world-worn feet into a pair of wonderful waterbears? Literally nothing, that’€™s what! After all, your feet and waterbears have something in common. They’€™re both one of the toughest things on the planet…

Milo the Corgi Heated Slippers

Corgi Heated Slippers – No more cold feet ever again. Come home every day to a pair of pre-heated happy corgis, ready to revive your tired, frostbitten extremities. Just make sure you charge them up using the included USB cable. Or you can just use them while they’€™re still plugged in if you’€™re the forgetful

Stuffed Water Bear

Stuffed Water Bear – Tardigrades are colloquially known as water bears (or sometimes even moss piglets!), in case you’€™re not a microbiologist. They made a name for themselves by being perhaps the toughest animal on the planet. These hardy invertebrates can withstand temperatures of minus 272 Celsius. They can endure radiation and the vacuum of

Milo the Corgi Humidifier

Milo the Corgi Humidifier – This loyal diffuser is truly man’€™s best friend, working for six to eight hours at a time to humidify the air so you can breathe easy, no matter how dry and crusty things get in the dead of winter.

Brew Candles (Hard Cider)

Brew Candles – These fabulous candles have some very unique artisan scents – namely Kentucky Bourbon, Vintage Merlot, and Breakfast Stout. Each one is a ticket to a multi-faceted nasal journey through your favourite craft tipple. And it’€™s a long journey too, with 40+ hours’€™ burn time in ever!

Toast Electric Handwarmer

Toast Electric Handwarmer – Get bready to defrost your digits – this baby reaches up to 55’°C in record timing. You can also swap between low or high temperature settings easily, or keep it ticking over for 4 hours on low temp or 2 hours on high.

That’s So 90s Quiz

That’s So 90s Quiz – Round up your fellow ‘€˜90s survivors and tell them to rev up their hippocampuses – it’€™s trivia time! Bust out this deck of 1,000 questions for hours of ‘€˜Don’€™t tell me, I know this one’€™-inducing fun.

Magical Unicorn Energy Drink

Magical Unicorn Energy Drink – Juicy wild berries bring the sweetness while caffeine, guarana, and unicorn magic pack a punch of energy rivalling that of Red Bull. Vitamins B3, B5, B6, B12 make an appearance to alleviate fatigue too, but we all already knew that they naturally occur in unicorn essence, right?

Avocado Stress Ball

Avocado Stress Ball – Squidge, smash, and squeeze your troubles away. Bash it against the wall. Throw it out of the window. Step on it. Bite it.

Weird Crushes: British Hunks

Weird Crushes: British Hunks – Gone are the days of the weird crush. It has never been cooler to admit that you’€™d like a Weird Weekend with Louis Theroux, to make a deal with Ian Beale, or to be filled up by Philip Schofield.


Battleshits – This is a seriously shitty game. And what we mean by that is that this game completely revolves around shite. No, no, it’€™s a good game. It’€™s just poo themed. It’€™s battleships, with shit! Battleshits! Genius, really.

Obama Llama 2

Obama Llama 2 – Even more ridiculous than last time, this charades-card game-rhyme spitting tour de force is a must have for any fun lover’€™s games cupboard, even if you have the original. ESPECIALLY if you have the original!

Narwhal Mug

Narwhal Mug – Most whales make their homes in freezing cold oceans, but this ‘€˜narly fella prefers his water hot, hot, hot. Boiling hot, with some ground up coffee beans or a sachet of leaves floating in it. *David Attenborough voice* What a fascinating creature!

Unicorn Charging Cable

Unicorn Charging Cable – Unicorns are the ultimate magical powerhouse. Packed full of sparkling, ethereal energy, these mythical steeds are the perfect source of power juice for a charging cable, just like this one.

Animated Animal Hats (Bunny)

Animated Animal Hats – A gentle squeeze of their dangling paws and their ears playfully twitch, in keeping with their delightfully expressive little faces.

Animated Animal Hats (Cat)

Animated Animal Hats – A gentle squeeze of their dangling paws and their ears playfully twitch, in keeping with their delightfully expressive little faces.

Animated Animal Hats (Corgi)

Animated Animal Hats – A gentle squeeze of their dangling paws and their ears playfully twitch, in keeping with their delightfully expressive little faces.